Resident Letter
We would like to remind all residents if you are making any changes to your sewer connection you must have the connection inspected by Authority Personnel. A 24-hour notice must be given for this inspection, and they can be reached at the Treatment Plant at (814) 694-2453 Monday thru Friday from 6:30am to 2:30pm.
We would also like to remind all residents the Sanitary Sewer System Rules and Regulations state: “Request to bury your 6” viewport must be made to the Authority.” Buried viewports must be watertight and adequately protected against vehicle damage. Metal lids or buried steel bars must be used to aid with future location with a metal detector. Authority personnel must inspect, approve and record the location of the viewport before it is buried.
If you are selling your property, please contact the sewage office at (814) 694-3409 with the name and address of the new owners. This is not always done by the closing agent or realtor.
If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact the sewage office at (814) 694-3409, Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 12:00pm. In the event of a sewage emergency, please contact the Treatment Plant at (814) 694-2453.
Please remember most items stating they are disposable, such as baby wipes, feminine products, etc. are NOT FLUSHABLE and can cause blockages, backups and pump damage, which in turn could increase your monthly sewage rates to cover cost of repairs and replacements. Please be careful of what you flush.